28.09.2024 Обновлено 28.09.2024
Текст из сериала "Peppa Pig" / "Пеппа Пиг" 16 серия
Текст из сериала "Peppa Pig" / "Пеппа Пиг" (16 / 303) на английском с переводом на русский - дословно. Транслитерация (произношение) текста из сериала Пеппа Пиг (16 / 303).
Детский мультипликационный сериал "Peppa Pig" / "Пеппа Пиг", отлично подойдёт для изучения английского языка, как для детей, так и для взрослых - 16 серия из 303 серий.
ТОП 10 ЯЗЫКОВ << смотреть >>
Пеппа Пиг 16 серия "Musical instruments" / ""
Mummy Pig and Daddy Pig have been tidying the house.
- Mummy Pig and I have found this old box in the attic.
- Oh! -
- Can anyone guess what's inside? -
- Hm? Nope! -
- It's full of musical instruments. -
- Wow! -
- They are a bit old and dusty. -
- This is the violin I used to play when I was little. -
- Mummy, can you play your violin? -
- I haven't played it for a long time.
- Please, Mummy. Please play it.
- I hope I haven't forgotten how. -
- Bravo! -
- Hooray! Mummy, can I play the violin? -
- Hold it like this. -
- Yes, Mummy. -
Oh, dear. I do not think it is meant to sound like that. George wants to try. -
- Hold it like this, George. -
- Oh! -
- That does not sound quite right, either. -
- The violin is too hard to play.
- Peppa, maybe you'd do better with this tin drum.
- Thank you, Daddy! -
- That sounds better. Peppa loves playing the drum. -
- Oh, lovely! -
- Yes, it sounds very nice. -
- This is Daddy Pig's old accordion. -
- I used to play this to Mummy Pig when we first met. -
- Oh, Daddy Pig. You remember this tune. -
George wants to play the accordion, too.
- Are you sure, George? The accordion is quite difficult. -
- George, the accordion, it's almost as difficult to play as my drum. -
- Ok, George. -
- Oh. -
- Maybe George is a bit too little to play the accordion. -
- Daddy, what other instruments are in the box? Just this horn. -
- Can I try? -
- You have to blow it very hard. -
That does not sound right. -
- It's impossible. -
- I think I used to be able to play it. -
- That really does not sound right. -
- Ho, ho, ho! Maybe it just needs someone big and strong, like me. -
That does not sound right, either. -
- Peppa's right. It is impossible to play. -
- Never mind, Daddy pig. Just stick to the accordion. You play it beautifuly. -
- Well, I do play it quite nicely, even if I say so myself. -
- And I'll play my violin. -
- And I will play my drum. -
Mummy Pig plays the violin. Daddy Pig plays the accordion. Peppa plays the drum. But what instrument will George play? George is blowing the horn. -
- Mummy couldn't play the horn and Daddy couldn't play it and even I couldn't play it. But George can play its! -
Автор страницы и перевод: Сабина Рамисовна @ramis_ovna