Текст из сериала "Peppa Pig" / "Пеппа Пиг" 13 серия - Maxlang
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Сериалы > На английском > "Peppa Pig" / "Пеппа Пиг" (13 серия)

28.09.2024 Обновлено 28.09.2024

Текст из сериала "Peppa Pig" / "Пеппа Пиг" 13 серия

Текст сериала "Peppa Pig" / "Пеппа Пиг" (13 / 303) на английском с переводом на русский - дословно. Транслитерация (произношение) текста из сериала Пеппа Пиг (13 / 303).

Детский мультипликационный сериал "Peppa Pig" / "Пеппа Пиг", отлично подойдёт для изучения английского языка, как для детей, так и для взрослых - 13 серия из 303 серий.

Бенгальский Язык << смотреть >>

Английский сериал Пеппа Пиг

Пеппа Пиг 13 серия "Secrets" / ""

Mummy Pig has made a special box for Peppa. -

- Peppa, this box is just for you. -

- Thank you, mummy. -

- It's a secret box for you to keep secret things in. -

- What things can I put in it Mummy? -

- Only you can decide that, Peppa. It's your secret box. -

- I know what I can put in it. -

- Good, but don't tell me. -

- I won't tell you or George or Daddy. It's a secret. -

- George, this is my secret box. It's empty. I have to find some things to put inside. -

George wants to help Peppa. -

- No, George only I must know what's in the box. You have to wait outside while I choose. -

Peppa is going to choose secret things to put in the box. -

- Now my secret box is full. George, you must not look inside. George would like to know what is inside Peppa's secret box. -

- If you like you can try to guess. -

- Dinosaur! -

- George thinks Peppa has put a dinosaur in the box. -

- Oh, George? you always say dinosaur for everything! Anyway, a dinosaur is too big to fit in the box. -

George cannot guess what is in Peppa's secret box. Daddy Pig is cleaning a picture. -

- Daddy, this is my secret box. Mummy, made it for me. -

- It's very nice, Peppa. What's inside? -

- It's a secret. George tried to guess. But he didn't get it right. -

- Can I have a try? -

- Yes. -

- Hmm... Have you put my glasses inside? -

- No, your glasses are on your head! -

- So they are. -

- Silly, daddy. You must have a proper guess. -

- Ok, have you put Mummy's shoes in the box? -

- Nope and that's all of your guesses used up. -

Peppa likes secrets. Mummy no-one knows what's in my box. -

- Mummy no-one knows what's in my box. Oh, what has George got? -

- I made a box for George, too, and he's filled it with secret things, and only George knows what's inside. -

- Oh! -

Peppa would like to know what in inside George's box. -

- It's George's toy dinosaur, of course. -

- No! -

George's toy dinosaur is not in George's box. -

- It's too difficult. I'll never guess. -

Peppa doesn't like secrets as much as she used to. -

- Maybe if you show George one thing from your box and he could show you one thing from his. -

- Ok. But we must do it at the same time. -

- That's a good idea. Oh the count of three, you each show what's in your boxes. Ready? -

- Yes! -

- One, two, three! -

George has a drum and Peppa has a trumpet. -

- Oh, lovely! -

- Yes, it sounds very nice. Do you have any more secret things? -

George has a custard doughnut. -

- Oh! -

But Peppa's box is empty. I've got nothing else. -

- Luckily, I have. Come on, tuck in. -

George, Peppa, Mummy Pig and Daddy Pig all like custard doughnuts. -

- I don't have a special box but I know a very good place to hide my custard doughnut. Can you guess where? -

- Hmm ... Are you going to hide it in the fridge? -

- No, somewhere much more special. My tummy! Hmm, delicious! -

- I'm going to hide mine in my tummy. -

- Me, too. -

Автор страницы и перевод: Сабина Рамисовна @ramis_ovna

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